Base Station Controller
Optimize the Use of Spectrum and Multiply Bandwidth
The Base Station Controller (BSC) is a central manager of Air Interface Resources (AIRs) utilized by base stations and their connected remote radios within an IEEE 802.16t Point-to-Multipoint radio network. The BSC is the foundation of an 802.16t network and enables the highest optimization of spectrum utilization through bandwidth multiplication and self-interference avoidance.
Unlike legacy networks which allocate fixed frequencies to remote radios even when there is little no data to send, the BSC assigns bandwidth to base stations for communication in the downlink and uplink directions as needed. This can be considered a bandwidth multiplier capability, allocating unused bandwidth to base station radios in the downlink direction to support high traffic demands from remote radios in the uplink direction. Due to this capability, the total bandwidth available to the users of a band managed by a BSC far exceeds the bandwidth available with no BSC.​​

Base Station Controller (BSC)​​
Base Stations
Fixed / Mobile Radios
Fixed / Mobile Radios
Dynamic Air Resource Allocation
The Base Station Controller can be utilized in an IEEE 802.16t Point-to-Multipoint network to enable dynamic resource allocation. In this mode, the BSC assigns specific Air Interface Resources (AIRs) to each base station under its control. These base stations then use the assigned AIRs to communicate with their remote radios. This approach allows for more efficient management of resources - especially in large or complex network setups - where the allocation of bandwidth and time slots needs to be adjusted based on real-time traffic demands of mission-critical assets.