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Airlink Radios

Enable Seamless Migration from Legacy to 802.16t Technology

The Airlink family of Software Defined Radios (SDR) are designed as fully interoperable, drop-in replacements for legacy radio networks. With the ability to operate in legacy mode or IEEE 802.16t (a.k.a. "dot16") mode, Airlink radios provide railroads with a technology roadmap to migrate seamlessly from legacy ACSES or ATCS operation to IP connectivity over-the-air.​


Anchor 1 - ACSES

Airlink ACSES PTC Radio

Fully Interoperable, Drop-in Replacement for Obsolete ACSES PTC Radios


The Airlink ACSES is designed to serve as a fully interoperable, drop-in replacement to the existing ACSES PTC data radio used in onboard and wayside installations. The Airlink ACSES supports the legacy ACSES air interface protocol and STFP (Simple Timeslot / Frequency Power Protocol). As such, it can be integrated seamlessly into any ACSES system. The Airlink ACSES may be configured to operate in legacy ACSES mode or in state-of-the-art IEEE 802.16t mode. IEEE 802.16t is an open standard for deploying general purpose IP networks in narrowband channels.


The Airlink ACSES has superior performance relative to the existing ACSES PTC data radio including better RF performance and filtering, improved security, higher internal transmit power/duty cycle, and support of Docker containers to run an internal communications manager.  Airlink ACSES includes an internal Power Amplifier (PA) capable of supporting a 50% duty cycle at a maximum transmit power of 25 Watts.


Airlink ACSES is designed to operate from 216 MHz to 222 MHz and supports both internal and external communications managers with STFP interfaces. The radio platform can also support operation in frequency ranges from 70 MHz up to 6 GHz. 



Anchor 2 - BCP

Airlink BCP Radio

Seamlessly Migrate Applications to the 900 MHz A Block


The Airlink BCP (Base Communications Package) is a high power, dual mode ATCS / 802.16t base station radio which enables operators to migrate applications from their legacy ATCS network to the new 900 MHz A Block. Airlink BCP is over-the-air interoperable with the Siemens legacy ATCS base station radio and Wayside Communications Package (WCP), enabling it to provide wireless IP connectivity to any wayside location.


As a dual mode radio, the Airlink BCP simultaneously communicates over-the-air with both a new Airlink WCP using IEEE 802.16t protocol and a Siemens WCP using the traditional over-the-air ATCS protocol. Once an Airlink BCP is installed, a railroad can migrate wayside locations to the new A Block one at a time as new Airlink WCPs are installed without impacting existing operation on the legacy ATCS network.


The Airlink BCP includes serial and Ethernet network interfaces with standard ATCS protocols, allowing it be a “drop in” replacement for legacy BCPs. The Airlink BCP can communicate directly over IP protocol with an Office Communications Gateway (OCG) which eliminates the need for packet switches or communications network adapters located at the base station.


Airlink BCP communicates with any IEEE 802.16t-compatible radio, including Ondas Networks’ family of FullMAX radios such as Venus and Mercury. This allow railroads to select from a wide variety of solutions for wayside connectivity depending on cost and performance requirements.


The Airlink BCP is part of the Siemens-branded portfolio of products which includes Ondas Networks’ 802.16t radio technology. To learn more about our partnership with Siemens to deliver next-generation dual-mode communications with Siemens Mobility’s ATCS protocols, click here

Anchor 3 - WCP

Airlink WCP Radio

Deploy General Purpose Wayside IP Networks on the 900 MHz A Block

The Airlink WCP (Wayside Communications Package) serves as an 802.16t  or ATCS wayside radio to enable operators to migrate wayside CTC locations seamlessly to the new 900 MHz A Block.


Airlink WCP is over-the-air interoperable with the Siemens legacy ATCS base station radios and Airlink Base Communications Packages (BCP). As Airlink BCPs are installed, the Airlink WCP can switch to operate from the legacy 900 MHz frequencies to the new 900 MHz A Block using the IEEE 802.16t standard. This enables railroads to deploy an IP network to any wayside CTC bungalow. 


The Airlink WCP includes serial and Ethernet network interfaces with standard ATCS and railroad protocols, allowing it be a “drop in” replacement for legacy WCPs without requiring any changes to existing field equipment. The Airlink WCP is also designed to fit into the same installation footprint as the legacy WCP. 


Airlink WCP also includes onboard Docker which allows railroads and other third parties to deploy custom software applications directly on the radio. A common application to deploy on the Airlink WCP is an FG or Field Gateway which converts legacy CTC protocols to modern industry standard EMP messages, allowing the Airlink WCP to be utilized as a redundant or alternate link for Positive Train Control traffic over the A Block. 


The Airlink WCP is part of the Siemens-branded portfolio of products which includes Ondas Networks’ 802.16t radio technology. To learn more about our partnership with Siemens to deliver next-generation dual-mode communications with Siemens Mobility’s ATCS protocols, click here​. 

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